物理系學生會議:探測中等質量黑洞的可能途徑 - 經重力透鏡效應的重力波
Talk:- A Possible Way to Probe Intermediate Mass Black Hole – Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Wave
Existence of intermediate mass black hole is a mystery in astronomy. Theoretically it should exist, but it hasn’t been confirmed by observation yet. Since intermediate mass black hole is a possible candidate of gravitational lens, its lensing effect on gravitational wave in diffraction limit could be a direct observational evidence. Basic analysis shows the lensing effect is observable within LIGO detectability. Serious Bayesian analysis is ongoing to investigate under what circumstances we can confirm that the signal indicates an intermediate mass black hole.
時間:2017.05.20(六) 15:15 ~ 15:30
地點:香港中文大學 科學館LT4
講者:Lai Kwun Hang 及 Otto Hannuksela