Talk:- Influence of Massive Neutrinos with a Finite Chemical Potential on the Cosmic Expansion History and Large Scale Structure
Due to their high abundance, massive cosmic neutrinos would have a significant influence on cosmology, especially in terms of large scale structure. Ever since the discovery of neutrino oscillation, which confirmed that neutrinos have finite masses, many efforts have been made to constrain neutrino masses from cosmology. However, none of them has considered the possibility of a finite chemical potential, if the neutrinos are not majorana fermions. The work would be the first one to analyse the combined effect of masses and chemical potentials of neutrinos on matter power spectrum of large scale structure, through two physical processes, their influence on the cosmic expansion history, and the neutrino free-streaming. The result would serve as a correction to the constraints of neutrino masses from large scale structure.
時間:2017.05.20(六) 16:15
地點:香港中文大學 科學館LT4
●Zhichao Zeng
●Shek Yeung
●Ming Chung Chu