SEMINAR:- Estimate of Localisation Capabilities of Networks of Gravitational-Wave Detectors for Compact Binary Systems Using Fisher Matrix
In this work, we estimated the localisation capabilities of various networks of gravitational-wave(GW) detectors for signals of gravitational-wave from Binary neutron stars(and Binary black holes) using Fisher matrix that relies on only the time of arrival of GW signals. We compared two different ways of constructing the Fisher matrix proposed by Wen and Chen 2010, and Fairhurst 2011. For the next generation of GW detectors, where detectors are able to receive signals at a lower frequency, there is need to investigate the importance of the movement of the earth due to the rotation of the earth. Also, in the era of advanced LIGO and VIRGO, with the possibility of detecting GW at higher SNR, the effects of calibration errors on localisation by triangulation can be significant. We will briefly discuss these problems as the future directions of this work.
時間:2017.01.06(五) 14:00 ~ 15:00
地點:香港中文大學 科學館北座311室
講者:陳文亮 Mr. Man Leong CHAN (School of Physics and Astronomy University of Glasgow, UK)