Colloquium:- The Cosmic High Energy Diffuse Neutrino and Gamma-ray Backgrounds: Challenges for Astrophysical Models
The IceCube Antarctic Cherenkov telescope has detected a diffuse neutrino background flux at TeV to Pev energies which is of astrophysical origin, while the Fermi spacecraft has detected a diffuse 0.1-300 GeV diffuse gamma-ray background flux, neither of whose origin is obvious. I will discuss several astrophysical source models addressing these issues, including galaxy mergers, star-burst galaxies, low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts and supernovae.
時間:2016.12.06(二) 16:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓 LG1 P2 演講廳
講者:Prof. Peter MÉSZÁROS (Pennsylvania State University)