
Colloquium:- A FAST Drift Scan Survey - The Immediate Prospect of FAST 
With the blessing of the nation's president, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) ended its construction phase with much fanfare on Sep. 25, 2016. 
Tremendous pressure and somewhat unrealistic expectation accompany the system testing and commissioning currently underway. The frontiers of radio astronomy have clearly shifted to interferometers, e.g. ALMA and SKA, both of which are orders of magnitude higher in terms of actual cost and user base. Our initial plan for commensal drift scan surveys to utilize the unique advantages of FAST. 
The most efficient surveying mode of FAST will be the here proposed drift-scan survey, which aims to obtain pulsar, HI galaxies, Galactic ISM, radio transients (Fast Radio Bursts in particular), and SETI data streams simultaneously. Such a comprehensive survey (in commensal mode) has not been accomplished for other major facilities. I will discuss the challenges in implementing such a survey and quantify its potentials. 
時間:2016.11.11(五) 16:00 ~ 17:00 
地點:香港中文大學 科學館L2演講廰 
講者:李菂 博士 Dr. Di LI (中國科學院國家天文台 射電天文研究部) 




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