SEMINAR:- Characterizing the Physical Properties of a Cluster-lensed z~11 Galaxy
Hunting for galaxies in the early Universe and characterizing their physical properties are keys to understand how the Universe was reionized, the physical processes that regulate the formation of the first galaxies, and even the nature of dark matter. Galaxy clusters are powerful tools for this purpose due to their magnifying gravitational lensing effect. In this pilot study, They constrain the physical and stellar population properties of one of the most distant (z~11) cluster-lensed galaxy, MACS0647-JD, using deep 100-hour Spitzer/IRAC data. Special emphasis is placed on the subtraction of nearby bright objects to ensure the robustness of our measurements. They find the measured physical properties to be consistent with the predictions made by a recent state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulation.
時間:2016.11.25(五) 14:00
地點:香港大學 莊月明物理樓105室
講者:Mr. Daniel LAM (Leiden Observatory)