粒子理論:- 二次重力 – 從弱到強

Seminar:- Quadratic Gravity: From Weak to Strong 
More than three decades ago, quadratic gravity was found to present a perturbative, renormalizable and asymptotically free theory of quantum gravity. Unfortunately the theory appeared to have problems with a spin-2 ghost. In this talk, the speaker will revisit quadratic gravity in a different light by considering the case that the asymptotically free interaction flows to a strongly interacting regime. This occurs when the coefficient of the Einstein-Hilbert term is smaller than the scale that the quadratic couplings grow strong. Here QCD provides some useful insights. By pushing the analogy with QCD, she conjectures that the non-perturbative effects can remove the naive spin-2 ghost and lead to the emergence of general relativity in the IR, with the Planck mass identified as the strong gravity scale. This theory has new static spherically symmetric.
時間:2016.09.13(二) 14:00
地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓 賽馬會高等研究院 4042室
講者:Dr Jing Ren (University of Toronto)





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