「世紀實驗:探索神秘的粒子世界」配合活動 - 追尋上帝粒子
“Collider: Step inside the World's Greatest Experiment” Supplementary Activities - The Hunt for the Higgs
The programme goes behind the scenes at CERN to follow one of the most epic and expensive scientific quests of all time: the search for the Higgs particle, believed to give mass to everything in our universe.
However, the hunt for Higgs is part of a much grander search for how the universe works. It promises to help answer questions like why we exist and is a vital part of a Grand Unified Theory of nature. At the heart of the pursuit of the elusive particle is the same feature that makes snowflakes beautiful and human faces attractive: the simple and enchanting idea of symmetry..
2016.05.08 (日) 15:15 ~ 16:15
2016.05.11 (三) 15:15 ~ 16:15
地點:香港科學館 演講廳