
Einstein Messengers: A new window on the Universe 
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity revolutionised the way we think about space, time and the Universe. Today, this pillar of modern physics still allows scientists to accurately describe the motion of celestial bodies and astronomical phenomena. A cornerstone of General Relativity is the existence of gravitational waves: ripples in the fabric of spacetime that travel at the speed of light. However, these tiny disturbances in spacetime have yet to be measured and the existence of gravitational waves remains one of the most elusive phenomena in the history of physics. 
Since 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the prediction of gravitational waves, the speaker will take you on a journey through the science behind Einstein’s mysterious prediction. In particular, he will also describe how gravitational waves are thought to be emitted by the most violent phenomena in the Universe such as Black Holes and exploding stars, why we need the most sensitive length measuring devices in the world to measure them, and how they can provide us with a new window on the Universe. 
時間:2016.02.19(五) 16:15 ~ 18:15
地點:香港中文大學康本國際學術園 LT3
講者:Prof. Tjonnie G.F. Li 黎冠峰 教授





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