Astronomy and astrophysics is a frontier science devoted to the study of the cosmos, exploring the origin, composition, and evolution of our Universe. Modern research in this field is an interdisciplinary subject that intersects many branches of fundamental and applied science, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Furthermore, the inherent beauty of the cosmos inspires everyone’s imagination, making astronomy and astrophysics a powerful medium for public outreach and science education at all levels. China and Asia are currently undergoing a rapid development in astronomy and astrophysics. To facilitate communication, promote collaborations, better coordinate resources, share expertise, leverage complementary strengths and foster internationally competitive future developments, it is timely to establish a network of institutions in southern China interested in astronomy and astrophysics to formulate a strategy for future development in the context of the broader Chinese and international community. The program will examine the desirability and feasibility of a “South China Astronomy/Astrophysics Network” by convening key representatives from institutions in southern China with interest in astronomy, astrophysics, and space sciences. 日期:2015.12.10(四) 08:45 ~ 17:30 地點:香港科技大學 李兆基校園 盧家驄薈萃樓2樓 高研院2042室 語言:英語 免費論壇,惟參加者必須登記,2015.12.03(一) 截止 【活動訊息由張詠倫提供】